Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Postmodern Pluralism

a. After reading this chapter in your own words, define Postmodern Art?
It is undecided whether Postmodernism survives along with Modernism, or if it follows in its footsteps, or if it even replaces Modernism. Postmodern Art seems to be a break from all of the theories thrown out there by art 'experts', and is more based on what the artist wants their work to be. It involves the mixing of all that Modernism considers taboo. Aesthetics, as well as external experiences and knowledge all come together to create art. Post Modern works deal with the issues of culture, identity, history, and language, and how they affect current times and people. Postmodern art often uses images of the abject, or the lowest of the low, to show issues of society. I would consider Postmodernism to be a movement 'allowing and encouraging' artist freedom.

b. Why is Feminism or Feminist Art considered Post Modern?

Feminist art is considered to be Post Modern because the main focus of the work is the cultural issues women face. Feminist art is not meant to be a thing of beauty, but more a mess of art, history, social and political problems. Also, feminism challenges the criteria of what makes art great, and what makes it worth taking the time to look at. Just like Post Modern art, feminism strives to make unnoticed cultural issues noticed, and to challenge art expert's ideas.

c. Pick one of the following artists: Cindy Sherman, Lorna Simpson or Paul McCarthy. Describe their artwork and then give reasons why it is Post Modern.
Lorna Simpson's art is Post Modern because it confronts
societal injustices of race and gender, issues that affect identity. Even though her work addresses societal concerns, it is still beautiful and intellectual. Her art definitely mixes her knowledge, her personal beliefs, and artistic skill together. Postmodernism is mainly about mixing all that you know and represent, along with aesthetics to create, and that is what Lorna Simpson does. Her piece, "You're Fine" mixes her knowledge of medical procedures, and her view of how women are treated in the work force, as well as her artistic skill. It could not exist how it does without the mixing of all these factors. Simpson believes photography is a Post Modern medium because it doesn't have to be a pure medium like Modernism believes, but it can be freely mixed with other media.

d. Find an artist on The Drawing Center’s Viewing Program Web site that relates to your drawing for this project. How does there art relate to your concept, subject and style?

I chose Sandra Perlow for several reasons. Her style is similar to what I am doing with my project in that she uses collage in her works to create texture. I am exploring different textures in my project with the use of collage as well. She uses vivid colors and forms that stand for an object or landscape in nature. I am using colors and forms to represent animals and plants in nature. One difference between her works, and mine is that she, according to her artist statement, tries to show psychological states of mind and unseen forces affecting the world. In contrast, I am interested in expressing the diversity and beauty of nature. Also, she uses acrylic paint and oil sticks to create her colorful backgrounds, while I am using soft pastel. I really enjoy her works, and they inspire me to explore the use of color and collage more thoroughly. Check out her work http://www.sandraperlow.net/.