Thursday, October 16, 2008


The first thing I notice about this photo is the deep color of the eyes and hair, as well as the dark background. I seem to be thinking about something sorrowful. Perhaps I have lost someone dear to me or have a lot on my mind. This photo affects me by its deep black values and the expression on my face. These elements show much about the mood the photo is implying.

In front of me is a black and white photo of myself with long dark hair and dark eyes. The centers of the eyes seem sparkly because of the contrast between the white of the center and the blackness of the outer part. I have somewhat of a frown on my face. A serious expression at least. The lips are a slightly darker color than the skin color. My skin is very pale, but the white shirt I am wearing is even paler. It is a t-shirt with a modest neckline. The background behind me is deep black with no details.

The composition of the photo is at an interesting angle, not simply straight up and down. The photo was shot close-up, a view of just my face and neckline. The shadows on my face create interesting lines, and the lines of my neck and shirt create angles against the dark background. I like how the values are very noticeable. The white, gray, and black are all distinguishable. Since the background is blank, it draws the eye to where the main point is, my face.

This photo tells a story of a girl who has been through a lot. She is struggling with some troubling thoughts, but hoping for the best. I would call this photo Eyes because her eyes tell her story.

My photo connects to Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres' portraits in that Ingres shows a lot of emotion in the eyes of his subjects. You can tell what the subject is feeling. Also, Ingres uses a lot of contrast of values in his paintings to make the subject stand out. They are usually in front of a very simple background like my photo is.